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Transformative Lessons from Human Design Analysis

    It’s been a while since I last posted. I hope everyone still remembers me.
    This period has been a dark time in my life, but also a time of settling and recovery.
    In the most difficult moments, there are good friends who cared for and supported me.
    Necessary information, such as books would always suddenly appear and be found.

    There were many, countless ‘whys’ in my mind, and I finally found answers.
    These are not questions that can be explained or answered through logic or thinking.
    Even the most basic question of ‘why did I come to London’, I couldn’t answer for a long time.

    And for life’s big questions,
    ‘Who am I?’, ‘What’s the meaning of life?’, ‘Why has life brought me so many hardships and experiences?’
    ‘Why do I always feel myself so different from others?’, ‘Why do I always feel like I don’t belong here?’, and so on,
    It’s only recently that I’ve found the answers.

    I’ve read countless books, taken many courses, and experienced quite a few disasters in life.
    After experiencing various profound events, I now calmly accept my fate.
    Compared to before, I’m now better able to ‘be honest with myself’.
    The good and the bad are all part of me. Good and bad things are all part of life’s script.

    When I could no longer bear it and was almost unable to go on living, he would appear in my dreams.
    We didn’t have a conversation. But the message he brought was a lot of invisible support and encouragement.
    He was always so warm and gentle, such a wonderful person, but he could not be found in this world anymore.
    He’s now a spirit, unable to do anything. But he still comes out, as if to tell and comfort me that I’ll be alright.
    There are very few people or things in this world that I’m attached to.
    Only his matters, after many years, I still can’t let go. But it’s time to let go.
    He’s not far from me. We’re like friends separated by distance, just saying goodbye temporarily, and we’ll meet again.


    During this period of ‘finding myself’, I’ve been constantly learning about Human Design and Gene Keys,
    while also looking at many people’s Human Design charts
    (I prefer the term ‘Birth chart’, but Human Design is easier to understand).
    Including my own, people I know, and the Human Design chart of the founder Ra Uru Hu, I’ve done research and very in-depth analysis.
    The level of enthusiasm surpasses my previous research and establishment of stock selection and screening system.
    Because I clearly felt that if I couldn’t figure it out and find the answers, I probably couldn’t go on living. It was the only tool that could save my life.
    At that time, I had lost myself and couldn’t find a reason to live.

    Unlike general Human Design readings, such as definition, inner authority, channels, incarnation cross,
    I based on Richard Rudd’s (Ra Uru Hu’s disciple) Gene Keys, improved upon it, and created a unique, easy-to-understand Human Design reading method.
    I discovered that everyone’s inner qualities, personality, life lessons, strengths and weaknesses are very helpful in understanding oneself.
    Most crucially, I discovered the invisible connections between people.
    In Japanese, it’s called ‘kizuna’, and in the Human Design system, it’s called ‘Fractal’ 1, meaning soul family.


    We usually make ‘judgements’ about a person based on ‘common sense’ and ‘cognition’.
    For example, whether they are good or bad, have a good temper or bad temper, are smart or stupid, and so on.
    Not only do we do this to others, but we also do it to ourselves, we often criticise ourselves.
    Many people’s inner selves lack confidence, and are even full of self-doubt.

    Many people will find that we don’t really understand ourselves.
    If our understanding of ourselves is limited, how can we understand others?
    This is a very difficult thing. A person’s exterior and interior can be very different.

    Through Human Design analysis, I analyse everyone’s genes, thus seeing inner, deep qualities.
    I see another side of friends’ inner selves, different from what I see in daily interactions.
    A side that even they don’t know about themselves.
    For many people who have hurt me or been unkind to me, after analysing their Human Design charts, I can better understand and sympathise with them.

    I’m just a human, not a god or Buddha.
    Forgiving those who have deeply hurt you without reason is extremely rare in this world.
    Understanding that ‘they have their own hardships behind their actions’,
    With this understanding, forgiveness becomes easier.

    It’s also very difficult for us to forgive ourselves for doing wrong, especially for kind people.
    If we knew what was hidden behind ‘doing wrong’, what opportunities there were.
    If we knew the reasons behind suffering, then many life tragedies and hardships could be avoided.
    We could more easily accept ourselves, forgive ourselves, and reconcile with ourselves.
    This is why we need to understand ourselves and understand others.

    Later, I will open a ‘Human Design Reading Service’ for those who need it.
    You don’t need to know your birth time, just your birth date and place, and I can read your Human Design chart and genes. This is my unique skill.
    It’s currently in the trial phase, so it’s free.
    After operating for a while, simple readings will still be free, but detailed readings will be charged.
    Interested friends can leave a comment to sign up and reserve a spot XD


    1. Fractal (Soul Family)
      “Your fractal refers to those people you are destined to meet in this life.”

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