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How Gene Keys help diagnose Personal Pain Points

    Just as this world has day and night, we as human beings have strengths and weaknesses. While sunshine and daytime are generally preferred, and coldness and night-time are less welcomed, we have the same attitude towards our strengths and weaknesses.

    If something brings more money or business, it is normally treated as a strength (or success), such as technical knowledge or skills. If something makes things worse or results in less money or business, it is treated as a weakness (or failure). In a word, success or failure is according to social norms, based on the standards of our society or culture, rather than from a personal perspective.

    I never realised that success or failure is only a personal and subjective thing until I had gone through many success-failure cycles in my life. Many people know that when we are poor and unsuccessful, we feel unhappy and miserable. However, only a few of us who live quite well in other people’s eyes—such as being very rich, having a good job with a high salary, having a good partner, having a child, having good friends around us—seem to have everything good but still feel we are missing something, unhappy and miserable in our lives. We don’t have a feeling of fulfilment and we don’t enjoy our lives. And we don’t know how to handle this kind of feeling. We just hide from it, as this feeling is so horrible.

    From a health perspective, if we feel certain pain in our body, we know that there may be sickness developing inside our body, so we will have a check-up or diagnosis to find out the problem or issue. You know many people are unwilling to see dentists even when they have tooth pain. So we often omit these signals that are given to us. Until one day, we finally face the signals, then start to know what is happening inside our body and with our health.

    I clearly remember the moment when I received and read my Gene Keys report. It is just like a health check report, screening out what illnesses are present, what is happening in my life. It’s the same mood as when you receive a report from a doctor saying that you have cancer developing in your body. But different from a health check, what the Gene Keys report mentioned are my long-term known issues and problems. Once I saw them, I knew it was describing my condition, very specifically my conditions.

    The Gene Keys report shows there are three main challenges in my life: addiction, frustration, and failure.

    I was so shocked. These are my main sufferings and pain points, similar to my main mental or emotional sicknesses or illnesses. It is just as if a stranger suddenly knows your biggest suffering. Normally it is impossible, even your closest family and friends or yourself, don’t know what makes you feel miserable and suffer. But the report told me. It is because the report is based on astrology, using a person’s birth time to know a person’s true personality, strengths and weaknesses, a kind of track (or path) of our destiny.

    I felt, for the first time ever in my life, that my own pain and suffering were understood. To be understood by this report (although this saying is quite strange) and to be understood by myself. And I had an immediate thought. As now I understand the root cause of my suffering, I am more confident of figuring out the solution. Just like when you get the diagnosis of an illness, you will be given the treatment for that illness.


    Here I explain a little more about my three pain points: addiction, exhaustion, and failure.

    Addiction: I’m very addicted to work, a workaholic during most of my lifetime. Also, I’m addicted to knowledge, having read lots of books and information. I don’t allow myself to stop or pause, to see how distracted I am by the outer world.

    Exhaustion: As I keep trying hard to prove my own value, I’ve spent too much energy, time, and effort on things or people that aren’t really the most important to me. I was totally exhausted. I don’t have energy anymore to do something I really like, or that really makes me happy. I just burn myself out.

    Failure: I have many challenges and difficulties in my life. Instead of feeling successful, I only feel I have many failures. Even though I have many successes in my life, the people who surround me only see and focus on the very occasional failures in my life. Also, I feel shame, guilt, and these destructive emotions during the trial and error process.

    According to these three pain points, the report also provides three solutions: Invention, Resolve, and Preservation. Each term or wording in Gene Keys has a profound or specific meaning, though it takes some time for me to fully understand the meaning. While it’s okay, as long as I have found the key and map of my life, I don’t need to feel anxiety and worry anymore as I did previously.

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