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Transformative Lessons from Human Design Analysis

    It’s been a while since I last posted. I hope everyone still remembers me.This period has been a dark time in my life, but also a time of settling and recovery.In the most difficult moments, there are good friends who cared for and supported me.Necessary information, such as books would always suddenly appear and be found. There were many, countless ‘whys’ in my mind, and I finally found answers.These are not questions that can be explained or answered through logic or thinking.Even the most basic question of ‘why did I come to London’, I couldn’t answer for a long time.… Read More »Transformative Lessons from Human Design Analysis

    The Limitations of Traditional Astrology

      During my journey to find a path for personal growth, I have tried many methods and tests. Traditional astrology didn’t work for me. Those astrological reports often categorise people into two groups: rich or poor, lucky or unlucky. They might suggest whether you have good relationships with others or not. Astrology is a kind of statistics, showing some of our tendencies and innate personality. However, it doesn’t offer me a solution in this way. In Chinese Astrology, the solution (prediction) is something like, during certain years or time period, you will have good luck, so you can be more active… Read More »The Limitations of Traditional Astrology

      How Gene Keys help diagnose Personal Pain Points

        Just as this world has day and night, we as human beings have strengths and weaknesses. While sunshine and daytime are generally preferred, and coldness and night-time are less welcomed, we have the same attitude towards our strengths and weaknesses. If something brings more money or business, it is normally treated as a strength (or success), such as technical knowledge or skills. If something makes things worse or results in less money or business, it is treated as a weakness (or failure). In a word, success or failure is according to social norms, based on the standards of our society… Read More »How Gene Keys help diagnose Personal Pain Points

        Regaining Motivation After many Frustrations

          I seem to have lost all my motivation and energy after many attempts at job hunting. The feeling inside me is just frustration. During this time, I followed my intuition and searched for the word “mission” in the eBook “The 64 Ways: Personal Contemplations on the Gene Keys”, written by Richard Rudd. To me, the books written by Richard Rudd are like the Bible, showing me direction for my life. I always gain profound insights from these books. I found the following sentence from the book, which really motivates me: I’m not so impressed by the impeccable saint.I’m more impressed… Read More »Regaining Motivation After many Frustrations

          My Journey through Astrology: From Purple Star to Gene Keys

            I am interested in astrology, especially The Four Pillars of Destiny and Purple Star Astrology, the astrological systems from China. To me, they are a compass, showing direction for my life. I experienced a slump ten years ago, at which time I lost direction in my life. I had a physical sickness, broke up with my boyfriend, and was jobless for some time. I went to see a master of Purple Star Astrology. During that session, the master said that I would become very rich in my life and would set up my own business. He gave me some suggestions,… Read More »My Journey through Astrology: From Purple Star to Gene Keys

            The Dark Side of Wealth: Hidden Struggles of the Successful

              Outside of my education, I read lots of books, many of them related to personal growth. I enjoy reading the success stories of famous entrepreneurs and investors. Even the stories of people who are not famous always catch my attention. Many people only see the bright side and overlook the failures and dark periods of successful individuals. While I understand that they have to encounter many failures before achieving success, I am really curious to know how they stand up again and what motivates them to fight back. Normally, books just mention certain events or situations, for example, that they… Read More »The Dark Side of Wealth: Hidden Struggles of the Successful

              depression diary – 6 Nov 2024

                I have tried many methods in my life to be successful, both financially and in personal growth. I bought and read lots of books, being good at self-study, absorbing and applying knowledge from them. By spending seven years studying investment methods, plus having a certain amount of savings and using leverage, I earned quite a lot of money in a short time. However, due to the stock market crash, I also lost a huge amount of money very quickly. I was very patient and waited for the stock market to recover, luckily not incurring much loss from the investment. Unexpectedly,… Read More »depression diary – 6 Nov 2024

                depression diary – 17 Sep 2024

                  I was lying on my bed, feeling the emptiness and void inside me. I had no intention or effort to do anything. I had lost the motivation to go outside or meet my friends. There were shops and restaurants in the street near me, yet those places seemed far away. I wanted to return to a “normal life” for some time, but I kept failing. I had been unemployed for more than a year. After more than ten company interviews, I still hadn’t got any jobs. I had no money, felt lost and low in mood, but I needed to… Read More »depression diary – 17 Sep 2024